Let's speak Japanese 2/ How to call name


1. Almighty: family name + 'san'

If you call someone in Japan, like this way is preferable,
  • Nakata-san
  • Saito-san
  • Suzuki-san
Such as 'family name + san' is almighty, any case you can use this method. 'san' looks like 'Mr.' and 'Ms' but I can say it is completely different. When you meet some Japanese, try this way. They will feel more natural, and you will be able to build better relationship than you thought. Please keep one thing in your mind, you can use 'san' in the case of speaking, not in the addressee. If you send a letter officially, read Advance.

2. For children: first name + 'kun' (boy), first name + 'chan' (girl)

When you are invited from Japanese family, you would meet children. You can use this method only for children.
  • Yoshinori: Yoshi-kun
  • Minako: Mina-chan
But you can do to only children who less than 18 years old.


3. To superiors: family name + 'sama'

When you meet superiors, you will be able to call one with respect using this method.
For instance, I call some director in client company, Nakata-sama.

In other case, you can use this method in an addressee for the letter and the post card.
For instance,

  Nakata Yoshihiro sama
  STAR WARS Co., Ltd
  Fuji International Bldg. 8F
  123-45 Kintoki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,Japan
  Post code 143-0006

In this case, family name + first name + 'sama'.
